Multicoloured nutritious chapati

As the subject goes, this chapati/roti has nutrients packed from spinach and beetroot. This is one of my kids’ favourite dish. The multicoloured chapatis are visually very appealing to the kids.

Spinach is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), manganese, folate, magnesium, iron, copper, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, and vitamin C. It is a very good source of dietary fiber, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc, protein, and choline. More details about this leafy vegetable can be found in this link:
Beetroot is an excellent source of folic acid and a very good source of fibre, manganese and potassium.
The green leaves of the beetroot can be used instead of spinach as they are rich in calcium, iron and vitamins A and C. The greens should not be overlooked.
Ingredients: (for 8-9 chapatis )
Palak leaves puree – 1/4 cup
Beetroot puree – 1/4 cup
Whole wheat flour/atta – 2 1/2 cups
Salt as required
Cooking oil/ghee – 1 tbs
1. The above mentioned puree is made by grinding the leaves/vegetable individually in a blender/mixer grinder.
2. Split the whole wheat flour into 3 bowls.
3. Add Beetroot puree and spinach puree respectively to the first and second bowl. Leave the third bowl as-is.
4. Add required amount of salt and oil to each of those bowls and knead them into a soft dough.
5. Roll the dough from each of those bowls into three separate Chapatis.
6. Stack the green, plain and red dough one above the other and roll it into cylindrical shape.spinach_beetroot_chappati_1
7. Slice the cylinder into medium sized pieces.
8. Roll each of the cut pieces into chapatis.
9. Cook it on the tawa and smear with a dab of ghee.
10. Serve with pickle, curd or cheese spread.
1. To make the chapati more nutritious, 1 tsp of oats flour/amaranth flour can be added to the wheat flour.
2. Carrot may be used in place of beetroot; carrot adds orange colour to the chapati.
3. The puree or the flour consistency may be altered based on the requirement.

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